Recent Events

International Senior Zoom Black Belt Gasshuku 31October/1 November 2020

Once again a unique event, Zoom and Live in the Dojo supported by a large international contingent! Senior Dan Gradings were conducted and results were announced via Zoom and Live during Sayonara Party at traditional La Pineta restaurant! Photo of new senior grades!

Limited Group doing Gasshuku ‘Live’ in Honbu Dojo

International Senior Zoom Gasshuku 18, 19 September

Senior Gasshuku for Brown and Black Belts again unbelievably supported by participants from 24 countries! This event also featured the National Dan Gradings for Shodan and Nidans following the Gasshuku, also on Zoom!

International Zoom Intermediate Gasshuku

Still in lockdown, Sensei Bakkies again presented a Zoom Gasshuku on 29 August. This one aimed at intermediate level, explaining the fundamentals of Okinawan Goju Ryu to the ‘next generation’ students. Again a great event attended by participants from 16 countries!

Watch a short clip on some aspects from the Gasshuku below:

International Senior Zoom Gasshuku

‘Extraordinary times calls for extraordinary measures!’, so he presented the Cape Senior Regional Gasshuku via Zoom. International interest was high because of the online feature and 20 countries participated in the two day event!

To accommodate persons worldwide because of time zones, video replays enabled persons from California to New Zealand to take part!

Article on the event in popular online ‘The South African’: